
Dear Friends,

EWBCD is developing and creating sustainable businesses between East and West, namely China and Germany as well as Europe.
EWBCD不断发展与创造助力于东西方商业之间的可持续发展,旨在连结中德与欧 洲。

In all our diverse business activities – consulting, trade, digital, investments – total customer satisfaction has been our main motivation.
在我们所有的业务开展中,诸如咨询服务,贸易,互联网,投资等等,客户的满意 度是我们最大的追求。

With experienced partners in Germany, Europe and China as well as a long and successful track record, we can assure you superior products and services to let you achieve success: by turning your goals into “our” goals.
在中国,欧洲之间,我们有过很多长期良好合作的伙伴,我们可以向您保证,我们 有能力为您提供卓越的服务,让您取得成功。

We look very much forward to a great partnership with you!


Sincerely 此致
Sven Echternach



! Consulting 咨询

We build bridges between the East and the West: Supporting our Chinese clients to enter the European market, and empowering our Western clients in Asia and China!
我们在东西方之间建立起紧密的桥梁,支持我们的中国客户进入欧洲市场,也为西 方客户在亚洲与中国市场提供更强的竞争力。

Our clients are private and government entities, both in China and Europe. We put ourselves into the client’s shoes and deliver measurable success.
我们的客户主要是中国与欧洲的各大私营企业和政府机构。我们站在客户的角度, 提供可控可预期的成功方案。

! Trade 贸易

Our trading activities are diverse: From handmade kitchen knives produced in a 100 year old German family business, to digital goods (IP) such as domain names.
我们的贸易活动非常的多元化,从一百多年历史的家族企业生产的手工刀具,到域 名,互联网产品(IP).

! Investments 投资

We invest into promising assets, from real estate to startups, private equity, and digital assets.
我们投资有很好前景的优质项目,从房地产到初创企业,私人股本,以及互联网资 产。

! Digital 互联网

With over 30 years experience in the digital space, we have an in-depth knowledge of the whole digital ecosystem: frontend and backend development, online payments, security, hosting, IT and network infrastructure, advertising, and managing a digital workforce.
我们在因特网领域有30多年的经验,对整个因特网生态系统有深入的了解:前端 和后端开发、在线支付、安全、托管、IT和网络。 我们有专业的基础设施、广告 和互联网管理团队。

! People 团队

Our people, as well as our extensive network, are our greatest assets: We only work with the best, and we grow up together.
我们的团队以及我们广泛的人脉是我们最大的财富:我们只与最优秀的人合作,我 们并肩共同成长。

! Industries 领域

We have long time experience in various sectors and industries: Auomotive, Energy, Environmental, Finance, Government, Internet, Legal, Media, Pharmacy and Chemistry, Trade, Travel.
我们在多个领域有长期和丰富的经验:汽车,能源,环境,金融,政府,互联网, 法律,媒体,制药和化学,贸易,旅游等等。

Management Team


Sven Echternach 霭思文 先生

Chairman 董事长

He has over 20 years experience with various aspects of Digital Business models (Development, Marketing, Payments, Programming, Investments, Internationalization, Regulation, Controlling, Security etc.).

In the headquarter of a leading German bank, he was responsible for International Projects, Marketing Cooperations, and strategic investments into startups.

For a leading Chinese Internet company, he managed important negotiations and partnerships, and has setup a service operation in the Philippines to optimize business processes.

With broad sector expertise in Finance, IT, Cyber Security, Media, Trade, and Travel/Tourism, his international business activities have brought him to over 50 countries.

互联网企业家, 银行家, 计算机专家, 国际象棋冠军


Gianmaria Bortolotti 鲍 韬 博士

Vice Chairman 副董事长

Former CEO of a top global chemical corporation 曾任全球顶级化学公司首席 执行官


Yunfen Frieda Krems 叶鋆芬

Co-Founder 联合创始人

For almost 30 years, she has brought leading German, Italian, and Swiss companies (Ruhrkohle AG, Bosch Telecom, Bayer AG, and a leading automotive company) into the Chinese market. Her activities include running their Chinese operations, selecting a suitable joint venture partner, exporting/importing their products, leading sales and marketing, and establishing contracts with the Chinese and German governments.

More specifically, she established profitable 7 to 9 figure (Euro) contracts. She further successfully coordinated an environment protection project between German and Chinese top Government Representatives.

She also managed to get client’s product lines included in the "Recommended Short List" at China state level. Achieving the acceptance of the client into the "Vendor Supplying Short List" at province level, guaranteed the market share in China significantly.

She has experience with companies in various sectors, including telecommunications, chemistry, automotive, luxury goods.

曾引领顶级德国和欧洲公司 ,如 拜耳,博世,赢创,鲁 尔集团等 成功入驻中国市场 ,为两国经济发展作出卓越 贡献


Berlin: Chinese Premiere Zhu Rongji, German Chancellor Schroeder, Yunfen Frieda Krems
叶鋆芬. 于德国柏林签署中德两国政府合作协议


Berlin: Yunfen Krems with Chines Premiere Zhu Rongji


Shanghai: Chancellor Kohl meeting Yunfen Frieda Krems

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